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Alternative News

* The Corruption Shown By The Longshoremen Should Hasten Port and Industry Automation So People Like The Union Head Can Never Threaten To Cripple America Again
* The Invasion Of The West At The Bidding Of Globalists Are Sowing Ruin Everywhere With Imported Cultures And Terrorists Threatening Our Very Survival
* Election Interference: CBS News Legal Contributor Says It’s Not ‘Far-Fetched’ To Argue Jack Smith’s Brief Breaches Trump’s Right To ‘Fair Trial’
* 'Global Catastrophe': A Dire Warning From Trump As World War III With Nuclear Capable Countries Is Closer Than Ever Before With The Middle East Being Ground Zero
* Democrats Are Instructed By The False, Historically Doomed Trinity Of ‘Isms’ -- Communism, Socialism, And Fascism, Different Suits Fashioned By Likeminded Political Tailors
* Liberals Can Tell "Something" Is Wrong: They Are Not Admitting It To Themselves , Or To Each Other, But They Can Feel The "Vibes" Surrounding The Upcoming Election
* By The Numbers We See That So-Called Fact-Checkers And Misinformation 'Experts' Serve As Propagandists For The Democrat Party According To A Harvard Review
* Two World Wars And A Debilitating Cold War Did Nothing To Dissuade Global 'Elites' From Building A New Empire On The Ashes Of The Old - It Will Suffer A Similar Fate
* From FBI Whistleblowers To Economists To War, Warnings And Warnings Signs Are Coming At Us From Every Direction, And Now Is The Time To Pray, Prepare And Protect
* The Real 'Hyperbolic Fearmongering' Is The Progressive Propaganda Regarding Abortion Laws With Media 'Reporting' Outright Fakes News And False Claims
* The Pentagon Betrayed President Trump And Every J6 Political Prisoner On January 6 - This Was Led By The Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, Hero To The Left
* Darkfield Microscope Findings Of The Nanotechnology In The Covid Jab Is So Technologically Sophisticated, So Indescribably Complex, And So Utterly Evil That It Beggars Believability
* Progressivism: An Arrogant and Deadly Worldview - When 'Authorities' Tell Us That Too Many People Are Alive Today, We Should See Their Words As A Threat Worth Taking Seriously
* A Coup d'etat With The Communist Democrat Party Hellbent On Transforming These Once United States Into A Totalitarian Banana Republic Run By Ultra-Liberal Corporate Despots
* Springfield, Ohio is 'Everytown, USA' - This Same Scenario Of Illegals Taking Over Is Playing Out In Cities And Small Towns Nationwide - The Destruction Of National Sovereignty Is By Design
* The Grim Specter Killing America - Because Of Leftism Our Streets Aren’t Safe, Our Schools Aren’t Safe, Our Malls Aren’t Safe, And Our Presidential Candidates Aren’t Safe
* Kunstler: Wheezing Past the Graveyard - Here is your hell-scape, with overtones of death on a pale horse. . . and all. Chaos. . . riots. . . anarchy. . . civil war
* Dick Cheney Loves Commie-La - Not Sure What Is More Ironic, That Democrats Have Become Cheney Superfans Or That They Think His Opinion Holds Any Sway With Conservative Voters
* The War With No Official Name - A Spiritual Battle Where America's Domestic Enemies AKA Woke Liberals, Have Made Christianity A Target Of Annihilation
* Retired Major General Speaks Out Against The Danger Of DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) To Military Readiness As Confidence In The Military Is At An All-Time Low
* An Argument Can Be Made That The Trump Assassins Were Off-the-Books U.S. Intelligence Assets - It Explains How They Had Forehand Knowledge Of Security Protocols
* Unhinged And More Dangerous Than They Were In 2016, Liberal Democrats Will Become Even More Violent After 8 Years Of Trump Derangement Syndrome Eating Away At Their Brains
* Trump Supporters Apparently Attacked At Rally With Unidentified Weapon - The Message Is Clear 'If You Get Close To Trump, You Will Suffer'
* Remote Control Of The Human Brain, Crowd Control Technologies - Democracy, The Republic And Human Rights Cannot Be Preserved With The Existence And Use Of High Risk AI Systems
* Democrats And Corporate Media Keep Getting Away With Deliberately Inciting Crazy People To Kill Donald Trump - After Two Assassination Attempts, They Are Still Doing It
* We Cannot Win The Upcoming World War So Be Prepared For Shortages And To Protect Yourself, Your Home, And Your Food Supply - Those Counting On The Government Will Die
* Three Types of Assassination: The Desperate Effort to Eliminate Trump - Character Assassination Didn't Work, Next Came Lawfare, And Now That All Has Failed, They Want Him Dead
* Speak Like A Pirate Day Does Not Even Warrant An Entry Page In The Vaunted Wikipedia, Yet Idiotic 'Holidays' Like Juneteenth And Cinco de Mayo Do - That Is Un-American!
* Somebody Do Something!!! Stop Trump!!! The Blob Is Shrieking To Its Minions From The Sub-Basement Bunkers At Langley To The Salons Of Georgetown, To The US Embassy In Ukraine
* The 'Big Story' Isn't The Second Assassination Attempt Against Donald Trump, It Is How The National Media Has Created An Army Of Unhinged Liberals With Their Fake News
* Democrat News-media Colluders (DNC) Are Once Again Targeting Trump With Fake Racist Allegations To Provide A Smokescreen To Avoid Covering The Repulsive Dishonesty Of Kamala Harris
* The Kamala Harris Campaign Deceptively Attempts To Shift Blame To Donald Trump For The Disastrous Biden-Harris Withdrawal From Afghanistan
* When Thinking, By Itself, Is The Crime, Then The Blank Slate And Totalitarian Creep Of 'Diversity, Equity And Inclusion' Destroys Everything Associated With The Tyrannical Policies
* In The Current War On Us By Criminal Invaders Imported By Our Own Government, It Is Only The Use Of Absolute Force That Can Stop Them From Taking Over Our Cities And Towns
* The Top Eight Primary Forces That Threaten America Today, Including WWIII - Never In Our History Have Americans Faced Greater Existential Challenges To Our Very Existence
* Journalism Truly Does Die in Darkness - Thanks To The Democrat Party And Its Media Puppets, The Job Of Keeping Our Republic Is Becoming Impossible To Ensure
* From 'The Earth Is Going To Incinerate In 30 Years' To 'Clearly You Were Born In The Wrong Body', American Leftists Live In A Mental Prison Of Their Own Making
* Kamala Harris’ Radicalism Is So Extreme Even CNN’s Erin Burnett Was Shocked That Harris Supported Taxpayer-Funded trans Surgeries For Illegals
* America Will All But Be Destroyed And The Population Reduced Dramatically During A False Flag, World War, Or A Hot Civil War (Think Deagel Report). Yes, The End Times Really Are That Close
* The Left, And Their Media Puppets, Are Exploiting 'Christian Nationalism' By Denigrating Social Conservatives Who Believe In Inserting Religion Into Everyday American Life
* Trump May Not Win In Pennsylvania -- Until After The Election: Without A Strong 3 Percentage Lead PA Could Be Tied Up In The Courts For Years
* The Deep State Is Past Its Shelf Life, So Burn It To The Ground And Drive Its Ashes Right Into The Sea Just Like The Men Who Declared Independence From Government Tyranny Would Have Done
* A Deep Dive Into How The Young Soros 'Demon' May Just Be The Real Ruler Of Ukraine, Pulling The Strings For The Insane Puppet Called Zelensky
* Democrats Are Freaking Out Over Electoral College.... Again - Favorite Liberal Pollster Now Predicts Trump Will Crush Kamala In The 'Swing States' That Will Determine The Outcome Of The 2024 Presidential Election
* Rejecting Cries For Reparations For Slavery Means We Do Not Get Swept Along By A Cause Garbed In Morality That Is, Rather, Profoundly Immoral
* Election Interference Continues And Is Increasing As 'They' Are Very Afraid Of Donnie Trump - Buckle Up , The Big Show Is Finally On The Side Of The Stage Waiting For The Curtain To Lift
* Here Comes The Infamous Russian Collusion Hoax Part Deux - Despite Media Gaslighting Americans About Kamala Harris, They Are Already 'Colluding' To Blame Russia for A Trump Win
* The Unlikelihood Of A Lone 20-Year-Old Assassin Outsmarting The Secret Service, Pennsylvania State Police, And Butler Law Enforcement Tells Us We Still Do Not Have The Truth
* The Luciferians Have Captured The Sperm Of The Jabbed To Depopulate, Destroy, And Enslave Humanity! Most Americans Are Completely Unaware Of Being Hemmed In By Tyranny
* War, Economic Collapse, Frame-Ups, Spy Games, Cover-Ups, And Other Sordid Deep State Plots — Anything Goes When It Comes To Putting A Puppet In The White House!

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